
Leadership Styles in the Workplace

Today let’s talk about Leadership Styles. What is this?

Leadership style is the individual leaders’ methods and behavior in providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people. Why is this important? Surveys that we’ve done for the last 18 years show that it’s one of the top three negatives in every organization. The leaders’ interpersonal skills, their communications style, their demonstration of values to the organization, their communication of the vision etc.

Many authors have described styles – what to be aware of and how that style impacts others perception of you. And I’ll give you just a brief thought on this subject.

Some leaders are tellers – do this, do that – short, direct, not necessarily clear but direct. Others talk and spend a lot of time going around what they’re trying to get you to do. So they’re not as clear but they’re informative. Others like to give direction and share in groups, not one to one necessarily, and therefore can be difficult to pin down to what is the clarity of the end intent of their message. And others can be like accountants – very clear, very structured, very do this and sub 1.1, 1.2 etc.

All this impacts the perception of your leadership style by others. I say, what we need is to be aware. Every person needs to be aware of how they’re perceived. Every person, who deals with customers, works in teams or is a leader of others, needs that awareness of self, and then how to modify that perception for optimal reality. How not to be just this or that, but how to be flexible and vary your approach depending on the environment and situations.

Style is important as it engages or pushes people away, or ignores the needs of others. If you want to be the best you can be, learn what your style is – how people perceive you as a leader in communicating, motivating and giving direction. And then learn to modify that behavior and improve. So what’s your leadership style?